Benefits of Membership

Membership Directory

FREE listing in the Chamber's online business directory on the Chamber's website — visitors can search by category, keyword or alphabetically


Access Chamber information and events daily

New business members may also email ( an ad that can be used for free during the first month of your membership, or another chosen month.

FREE online ad for the first month you are a member

FREE Listing in Chamber online directory

Opportunity to submit press releases and announcements for promotion on

Member Exclusives

Member E-Newsletter provides the opportunity to promote your events, special offers, and business to our membership at no cost!

Try It Local Program – A discount program for members to offer coupons to the public

Member to Member Discounts – Offer discounts to fellow Chamber members|Special offers on phone, internet, and TV services for your business

Ad Programs – Take advantage of local publication discounts and the Chamber online ad program

Chamber E-blast Program

Leadership Opportunities

Augment your own professional development as well as expand your networking opportunities by joining a committee or working on a Chamber project.

Election will be held the first general meeting in January. If you are interested in throwing your hat in the ring or nominating someone please submit Your name (or theirs) to

Chamber Connections

Working for You! The Chamber acts as your link to local businesses and opportunities that will benefit your future growth and development.

Networking Events & Opportunities

Annual Business Meeting

Monthly Membership Breakfasts

Business After Hours

FCTA & WCCT Business Expo

Referral Program

Merchant Business Network (MBN)

Access to Kiosk Distribution Program – over 40 kiosks throughout the area & State

Business Resources & Education

Through the Fayette County Tourism Association “FCTA” The Carmine Chamber is part of a strong voice that advocates on behalf of the region's business community on critical issues at all levels of government – local, state, and federal. You can participate in FCTA business summits at No cost if you are a FCTA Partner ($100.00) or for a small cost for Non-FCTA Partners